LDA of Iowa's Parenting Guide:
Part One, Section 4

Topic 1: How do Intentional Interactions Impact a Child’s Language Development

When we googled to find more information about intentional interactions, we found more information that was new to us.  Because of this, we are sharing information we learned from reading the following article: Parents’ Awareness of the Importance of Parent-Child

Here is a summary of some of the information we found that supports the importance of positive parent-child interactions. 

  • Parent-child interactions or relationships play an important role in language development.
  • Positive communication between parents and children helps children in socializing, creates a supporting family environment and enhances the relationship’s values and skills.
  • Positive quality of parent child interactions and increased responsiveness are essential in shaping a child’s literacy environment and language development.
  • Language development is the backbone to academic learning as well as social and vocational success.
  • Positive interaction with the children greatly helps in their language development and later academic success. In early childhood, learning to speak and understanding language is difficult, without adequate parent interaction with the child.
  • Communication with children provides them social support, healthy behaviors and helps to cultivate a healthy family communication environment. It is the most influential and meaningful behavior in an individual’s life.
  • Lack of interactions with the children leads them to several communication related problems.
  • Parents are the best teachers to help their children develop self-esteem and to create their own positive environment. 15
  • Parents need to know that by listening and mimicking a parent’s actions and words, a child learns how to communicate.