LDA of Iowa's Parenting Guide:
Part One, Section 5

Topic 2: Time Management – Homework

Because we are usually “families on the go,” specific planning for homework is a must. Before developing a schedule, start with the location for doing homework.

  • If possible, a desk in their room is most conducive to homework completion, although some families prefer to use a common area (kitchen, dining room, family room).
  • It is best to have one location so homework supplies can be stored in an organized manner, using office organizers (storage trays, shelves, and cubies).
  • A tray for “To Do” and another tray for “Done”.
  • White board, erasable pens, and erasers noting days of the week (to use for planning extended assignments).
  • Bulletin boards to keep track of important data and to post achievements.
  • Develop a chart of days of each week. This chart will be used to illustrate a time management technique of estimating the amount of time which each task will take.
  • Before starting each set of homework, jot down on a note card the estimated amount of time for each task on the left side of the card, reserving the right side to log the exact time it took to complete the task.

At the end of each study period, on a chart, note the number of times the student met the estimated time period. Post these on the bulletin board, with a star noting having completed the task within the estimated time frame.