Ryan Christoffer teaches 4th grade at Highland Elementary in Waterloo, Iowa. He recently won the Gold Star Teacher Award! Ryan’s usual teaching had encompassed technology before the pandemic, so his learning curve wasn’t as high. Thanks for allowing LDA Iowa to share your good work, Ryan.
View the first of two videos, “Video for Kim Miller-UNI: An Overview of Teaching Virtually.”
The second video is a Q & A with UNI Professor Kim Miller: “Adjusting for Students with Extra Needs in Virtual Learning.”
Some technology resources that he uses:
- Class Dojo (Home-School Communication):

- Google Classroom
- Morning Video (Day 9) using Screencast-O-Matic, a Google Chrome Extension
- Supporting Students (Google Hangouts/Chats):

- Book Talks (using Google Meet)
- Math Talks (using Google Meet)
- Wizer.me (interactive worksheets)
- Peardeck (add on to Google Slides)
- Edpuzzle (create videos with embedded questions)
- IXL (for teaching online math)
- Epic Books
- Fun Friday (using Google Forms)