As of May 1st, 2022, Iowa Department of Education began launching the new IDEA Documentation system which is called ACHIEVE. This system is statewide and is where all the Individual Educational Programs (IEP) can be found.
The new system is more intuitive and intended to reduce the time teachers and direct service providers spend on paperwork and instead increase time with students. Other new features include all student information being imported directly from each school’s SIS (Student Information System) program and all Child Find and IEP processes will be documented consistently statewide.
Coming soon to ACHIEVE is the addition of the parent portal. What does it mean for parents?
Each parent will have a sign-in that allows access to their student’s progress monitoring on their current IEP goals. It will also have the ability for parents to email the special education teacher, receive meeting notices, graphs and any other documentation related to their child’s program.
The Department of Education has estimated that this function will be available to parents either late 2023 or early 2024.
Make sure you are watching for the details from your school and ask about it when you have an IEP meeting this year.
For more information on the ACHIEVE system: