During October 2023, the official Learning Disabilities (LD) Month, I want to thank each of you for your commitment to advocating for individuals with learning disabilities. Your work makes a profound difference in people’s lives by advancing the understanding of how we all have areas of strengths and weaknesses and how to capitalize on those strengths and talents to be successful.
Your Iowa LDA organization is always open for business to support all people with learning disabilities and the people who love and care for them. A real person will answer your phone calls and direct you to a personal advocate.
LDA of Iowa provides information on testing locations, help when resolving issues with schools, and a plethora of guidance and information for improving learning opportunities and providing support for all ages of people with learning disabilities. In addition, our educationally experienced volunteers continue to develop programs that are proactive in improving the lives of people with learning disabilities.
LD Month is also an opportune time to promote fundraising activities for LDA of Iowa. While we have a dedicated group of hard-working volunteers, and as bare bones operation as possible, it still takes money to keep the door open. Needless to say, any and all donations are welcome. We don’t want to let a 55-year legacy of advocating for this worthy cause go by the wayside. Donate here!