You Are Not Alone
If you are a parent or teacher of a child with a learning disability - or have learning disabilities yourself - LDA of Iowa is here for you!
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Types of Learning Disabilities
Find out more about the different types of learning disabilities.
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Videos for Parents and Teachers!
From helping your child develop study skills to routines at home and using books to teach coping skills - check out our videos!
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We Appreciate our Donors!
We'd like to recognize our individual and business / foundation donors that made LDA of Iowa's mission and vision possible in recent years.
View our Generous Donors
Virtual School: What's it Like?
Ryan Christoffer, a 4th Grade teacher at Highland Elementary in Waterloo, Iowa, shares how he helped students adjust to virtual school days.
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LDA of Iowa Newsletter Archive
Take a look at our newsletter archives! They're chock full of important and timely information. Make sure to sign up to get yours delivered straight to your email inbox too!
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Since 1968...

LDA of Iowa has provided support to people with learning disabilities, their parents, teachers and other professionals with cutting edge information on learning disabilities, practical solutions, and a comprehensive network of resources. These services make LDA the leading resource for information on learning disabilities.

News from LDA Iowa:

Submit a Shout Out!

We encourage you to recognize the hard work and dedication of a parent, teacher or community member in advocating for Learning Disabilities. You can submit

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News from the LDA National Organization:

Full Inclusion and IDEA

Volume 1, Number 3 Douglas Fuchs, Ph.D. American Institutes for Research, Vanderbilt University Hilary Mirowitz, Jenny Gilbert, and I recently published a scientific paper (“Exploring

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News from LDA’s Healthy Children Project:

General Resources

LDA’s Healthy Children Project works to protect children from chemicals that can harm their brain health. In addition to our policy and market pressure work, we

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